Changing seasons. Glamorous skin - always.

Look great in all climates.

A new client, a skincare routine veteran, reached out today, baffled by a recent change. Despite years of consistent care, her skin has suddenly become dry and dull. What could be the culprit?

Adjusting our skincare routine with the changing seasons isn't just about following trends—it's about respecting our skin's needs in response to the environment. By tailoring our skincare regimen accordingly, we give our skin the love and care it deserves, ensuring a healthy, radiant glow all year round.

Here is how different seasonal changes affect our skin.

Sun's Impact: The sun's angle changes with each season, affecting the intensity of UV radiation. Even in winter, UV rays can still cause skin damage, leading to premature aging and increased risk of skin cancer.

Hydration Levels: Cold air in winter holds less moisture, leading to dry, dehydrated skin. Indoor heating exacerbates this by further stripping the skin of moisture. Conversely, summer's heat and humidity can increase oil production and sweat, leading to breakouts and congestion.

Vitamin D Production: This essential vitamin plays a role in skin cell growth, repair, and metabolism. In winter, when sun exposure is limited, our vitamin D levels might drop.

Seasonal Allergies: Spring and autumn bring seasonal allergies, which can trigger skin conditions like eczema and hives. The increased pollen in the air can lead to skin irritation and inflammation for some individuals.

Collagen and Elasticity: Fluctuating temperatures and humidity levels can impact collagen production, affecting the skin's elasticity and leading to dryness or sagging in extreme weather conditions.

Skin Pigmentation: Sun exposure during summer can exacerbate hyperpigmentation and dark spots, while winter can bring out paleness due to reduced sun exposure.

Environmental Stressors: Each season brings different environmental stressors, such as pollution, wind, and extreme temperatures, which can compromise the skin's protective barrier. Look for AFE - alteromonas ferment extract in skincare products that will effectively combat the aging effects of heavy metals and smog.

So what should we do?

1. Summer:

  • Sun Protection: Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) daily, reapplying every two hours or after swimming/sweating. My preference is to apply physical sunscreens over chemical. Physical sunscreens are usually natural and include zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. They stay on top of the skin and provide physical barrier to harmful UV rays. Chemical sunscreens are absorb by your skin. Through chemical reaction they convert UV light into heat. They can often be found in your bloodstream and breastmilk.

  • Light Hydration: Opt for oil-free, lightweight moisturizers to keep the skin hydrated without feeling heavy. My fav option is vitamin B for hydration barrier repair and squalene for omega 9 hydrating properties and skin barrier support.

  • Antioxidants: Incorporate antioxidants like vitamin C serums to combat free radical damage from increased sun exposure.

  • Don’t over scrub - too much of exfoliation can remove not only dead skin cells but the new cells and make the skin more vulnerable to dryness and irritation. It is recommended to do it once a week.

2. Autumn:

  • Hydration Boost: Transition to richer, hydrating moisturizers or serums as the air becomes drier.

  • Exfoliation: Include gentle exfoliation to remove summer sun damage and prepare skin for cooler weather.

  • Repair: Consider adding products with ingredients like hyaluronic acid to retain moisture and repair skin barrier function.

3. Winter:

  • Intense Hydration: Use heavier creams or facial oils to combat dryness, skin cracking and lock in moisture. It’s important to use hydrating serums ie with HA (1-2%) . Hydrate from inside and out. My fav again is vitamin B3 serum that increases the ceramide level in the skin which makes it better at containing moisture and strengthen the outer layer of the skin.

  • Moisturise: use non-clogging oils like shea butter, marula oil, squalene to create a protective film on your skin that will prevent water loss. Use the right product for your skin type: low-oil formula for oily skin and enlarged pores, gentle products for sensitive skin, richer/heavier for dry skin and cosmeceutical based moisturises for aging skin (with active ingredients)

  • Protective Clothing: Cover up with scarves, hats, and gloves to shield skin from cold winds and dry air. Still use UV protection.

  • Humidifier: Consider using a humidifier to add moisture to indoor air and prevent skin from drying out.

  • Exfoliate with care: as the natural cell turnover can slow a little in winter exfoliating once a week(face) and twice a week(body) is enough.

  • Make up: I’m a big fan of mineral makeup for many reasons (maybe will cover it separately)

  • Feet and hands: hands and feet show signs of dryness. Overnight masks are great (exfoliate, apply rich moisturiser and then wear thin cotton socks to bed)

4. Spring:

  • Antioxidant Focus: Continue with antioxidants to repair any winter damage and rejuvenate the skin.

  • Lighter Textures: Transition to lighter, more breathable moisturizers as temperatures rise.

  • Allergy Awareness: Manage seasonal allergies that may trigger skin conditions by consulting a dermatologist.

General Tips for All Seasons:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep skin hydrated from within.

  • Balanced Diet: Eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for overall skin health.

  • Consistent Skincare Routine: Stick to a consistent regimen of cleansing, moisturizing, and protecting your skin year-round